主辦單位:Maestro Art 大師藝術
贊助:瑞室、聯合鋼鐵有限公司、高熊音樂、Steinway & Sons、財團法人典美文化基金會、財團法人敬典文教基金會、上海商業儲蓄銀行文教基金會、FAZIOLI、C. BECHSTEIN
投票時間: 即日起 ~ 1/16
Jaeyong Lee, born in 2009, has won the 1st prize a...
A 17-year-old pianist from Taiwan, studies at The ...
Wei-Chun Chen, born in Taipei, Taiwan in 2002, stu...
Jakob Aumiller, born in Munich in 2001, began pian...
Keiichiro Ikebe, born in 1993 in Japan, won 4th pr...
Po-Wei Ger was born in 1995, Taiwan, a pianist and...
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