In a future iteration of Earth, the oceans have dried up, leaving behind a sealed repository of the planet's historical memories on the seabed. The physical appearance of all living organisms and surroundings has undergone a drastic transformation, and the descendants of humanity are encased within the confines of a colossal circular mountain with no viable means of escape. However, an enigmatic stone gate rests on the mountain wall. The inhabitants of the circular mountain have no knowledge of the outside world and have developed a vast city within its walls, along with an inherently hierarchical system. The two main protagonists, an erudite scholar, and his assistant, both driven by their scientific pursuit of truth, embark on a quest to untangle the mysteries surrounding their confined world. With unwavering conviction, they believe that the only path to liberation lies beyond the gate and that their arduous journey will ultimately lead them to the answers they seek, regardless of the danger that awaits them along the way.