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Virgen from Adolescentes

Nadia Daniela Rivera Torres, Master student from the physics department, Student ID: 109022426

  • 028
  •  1697
  • Virgen from Adolescentes-地表最強音the Strongest Voice of NTHU -清華65校慶歌唱大賽
  • Virgen from Adolescentes-地表最強音the Strongest Voice of NTHU -清華65校慶歌唱大賽
  • Virgen from Adolescentes-地表最強音the Strongest Voice of NTHU -清華65校慶歌唱大賽
  • Virgen from Adolescentes-地表最強音the Strongest Voice of NTHU -清華65校慶歌唱大賽

My name is Nadia Daniela Rivera Torres, I am 27 years old and I come from Cali, Colombia. I am an international master student at NTHU from the physics department. I love traveling, trying new food, getting to know different cultures, people and ways of thinking. I love learning languages, dancing and making new friends. I am very passionate about physics, especially about quantum mechanics, which is my research field. I never imagine coming to Taiwan for my Master degree but since I am already here, I am trying to enjoy every second of my life here and to learn a lot everyday. I am a very friendly, honest and respectful person, and that's what I expect to receive from the people.

I am really happy to have the opportunity of being here and I am waiting for the next holidays so I can travel around Taiwan and get to know even better this amazing country. 
  • 76


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  • 分手是需要練習的

  • 周深-大魚

  • 不愛我就拉倒~~~

  • 一個像夏天一個像秋天

  • 《路过人间》(原唱:郁可唯)




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