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此活動由清大學務處綜學組主辦,清華陸聯會承辦,歡迎加入粉絲專頁 This event is hosted by the office of student affairs, NTHU, and NTHU-MSA. Welcome to join the fan page.

Paubaya (Leaving it Up/留給)

Daryl Joe Santos (桑戴瑞)

  • 048
  •  2741
  • Paubaya (Leaving it Up/留給)-地表最強音the Strongest Voice of NTHU -清華65校慶歌唱大賽
  • Paubaya (Leaving it Up/留給)-地表最強音the Strongest Voice of NTHU -清華65校慶歌唱大賽
  • Paubaya (Leaving it Up/留給)-地表最強音the Strongest Voice of NTHU -清華65校慶歌唱大賽
  • Paubaya (Leaving it Up/留給)-地表最強音the Strongest Voice of NTHU -清華65校慶歌唱大賽
  • Paubaya (Leaving it Up/留給)-地表最強音the Strongest Voice of NTHU -清華65校慶歌唱大賽
  • Paubaya (Leaving it Up/留給)-地表最強音the Strongest Voice of NTHU -清華65校慶歌唱大賽
Hello! My name is Daryl Joe Santos, a 2nd year masters student in NTHU Institute of Astronomy. I'm from the Philippines, and for this contest I chose to cover a Filipino song named "Paubaya" (English translation: "Leaving it Up") by Moira dela Torre. Recently, Filipinos like to listen to sentimental songs about love and heartbreak, and I hope to share it with everyone in NTHU!

哈囉!我是桑戴瑞,目前在清大天文所就讀碩士班。我來自菲律賓,我這次想要翻唱一首菲律賓的歌曲,Moira dela Torre的“Paubaya”(留給)。最近菲律賓很流行這種感傷的情歌,我希望把這首歌分享給所有清華人!
  • 229


暫停投票 暫停投票


  • Indigo-If I were Him

  • 大眠

  • 告別的練習

  • Nepali song (Parelima) -1

  • 阿拉斯加海灣




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