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YOFC Philippines Halloween event

Don't miss your opportunity to help shape the YOFC Rampage Halloween Costume 2022 by being one of the judges. In line with this, below are the mechanics:

By entering the Bootiful Halloween Rampage the participants of such Rampage granted YOFC Philippines the right to upload the photos and the videos submitted through the process to its web page. As conditions of entry into this Rampage, and by allowing the representative of YOFC Philippines in uploading and entering a photo and a video, each participant warrants and represents that his or her photo or video complies with the Official Rules, Terms and Conditions

2. ELIGIBILITY AND JUDGING: Images and videos will be judged on authenticity, uniqueness, resourcefulness, effort, scariest, composition and acceptable standards as mentioned in Memorandum Number 39 series of 2022. The judges are the Employees of YOFC PHILIPPINES including those deployed by the agency.
The employees of YOFC Philippines shall determine the winner’s eligibility and judges have its own sole and absolute discretion to decide whom to vote and who are the winners of this category. All decisions made by the judges are final and executory.

Refer Memorandum Number 39 series of 2022 otherwise known as the Bootiful Halloween and this is to reiterate that the Rampage is open to all employees including those deployed by the third party.

4.1 Click the TAB of List of Candidates
4.2 View the Rampage Halloween Candidates and Click the Most Employee’s Bootiful Halloween Participant
4.3 Click the Vote Tab and once you click such, you will be automatically directed to your FB account.
4.4 Log in to your FB account
4.5 To vote for a photo and the video, you’ll select “vote” beneath the specific photo.
4.6 Each Judge may only cast their vote once (one time only).
Online entries will be uploaded by the HR and IT personnel starting at 4:00 pm, Friday, on October 28, 2022. Winners will be announced on or before November 4, 2022.
6.1 The voting tab will become active on October 28, 2022 up to October 30, 2022 at 4:00 P.M. only and for YOFC employee and those deployed by the agency .

Local time zone: UTC +08:00

Registration Time: 2022-10-27 13:00 ~ 2022-10-27 22:00

poll time: 2022-10-27 15:00 ~ 2022-10-30 16:00

Candidates:13 Total number of votes:85 Views:6,477

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