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此活動由清大學務處綜學組主辦,清華陸聯會承辦,歡迎加入粉絲專頁 This event is hosted by the office of student affairs, NTHU, and NTHU-MSA. Welcome to join the fan page.

3 1 0 7

Long Ngoc Phan (藩玉龍), Physics Department

  • 042
  •  1090
  • 3 1 0 7-地表最強音the Strongest Voice of NTHU -清華65校慶歌唱大賽
  • 3 1 0 7-地表最強音the Strongest Voice of NTHU -清華65校慶歌唱大賽
  • 3 1 0 7-地表最強音the Strongest Voice of NTHU -清華65校慶歌唱大賽
  • 3 1 0 7-地表最強音the Strongest Voice of NTHU -清華65校慶歌唱大賽
Hello everyone, my name is Long and my Chinese name is 藩玉龍. I am from Vietnam and now I am studying Master's Program in Physics Department. In this video, I will sing a Vietnamese song whose name is 3107 (It means "Love" if you rotate "3107" by 180 degrees). If you like this video as well as my performance, you can give me a vote and share this video with your friends. Thank you so much.
Song: 3 1 0 7
Composer and Original version: DuongG x Nâu
Beat (Lofi Remix): Whisky x Mr.Paa
Cover by Long
  • 94


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  • 自創曲 - 一個微笑的人其實內心是有很多傷的

  • 我睡不著

  • 溫嵐 – 傻瓜

  • 年輪說(原唱:楊丞琳;作詞:吴青峰;作曲:郑宇界;編曲:张晁毓)

  • 劉瑞琦《房間》

  • 大眠




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